The One World One Internet crowdsolving global challenges marketplace
No video has been submitted for the contest. Be first!
This One world One Internet initiative, is a marketplace connecting innovators with resources in order to crowdsolve global challenges by making communication and digital literacy more accessible and approacahble with the purpose of advancement of education ,health and overall well being for all.
advancement of education, health, well-being and science
Who may source a solution?
Anyone in the world can submit a proposed solution for a proposed challenge. Whether you’ve just started building your solution with or without a team, you’re running a pilot, or you’re ready to scale, we’re looking for innovators and entrepreneurs with the best solutions to proposed challenges.
This year we are announcing the following challenges for which we seek solutions:
- An implementable innovation that has the potential of significantly improving education and learning through changing the way we communicate with each other.
- Innovative ideas for inclusive, ethical and equal opportunity in the long term evolution of the Internet of Everything ( IoE) and communication at-large in an urban, suburban or rural environment.
- How can innovation in communication assist in helping the eldery population achieve a meaningful, creative and livelihood in their life?
vancement of education, health, well-being and science
Our Mission
- Identifying the best solutions to specific challenges utilizing open suggested innovations.
- Establishing and maintaining a community of leaders and challenge -Makers committed to collaborating in piloting and implementing the proposed solutions.
Our Values
- challenge: Please choose one of the challenges and produce an approximately 3 minutes video introducing your idea for solving the need.
- Inclusive Innovation: Tapping into talent and ingenuity everywhere.
- People-oriented: Solutions must start and involve the people that they are designed for.
- Multidimensional: While the solutions includes technological components, they also have to address economics, environment and social aspects, with an emphasis on underserved communities.
How it works
- Resourcefulness: No challenge is to big to solve.
- Collaboration: Challenges like this can only be solved through partnership between stakeholders.
- Tell your story: In many cases the most effective videos tell a story. Try to tell a story that is interesting, informative, creative and holds the audience attention.
- Tools for preparing the video: You may any video editing tool available
- Evaluation criteria: When preparing the video as well as when you evaluate someone else's video use the following evaluation criteria:
- Creativity - Degree of originality and imagination. How novel, original and unexpected is the idea?
- Effectiveness - How well does the proposed solution achieves its purpose. How functional or relevant is the idea?
- Feasibility - How implantable is the proposed solution?
- Sustainability - Can the model built on the proposed solution be sustained over the long run?
- Scalability - When implemented, can the solution be scaled globally so that it can impact maximum population?
- Presentation quality - How appealing and persuasive is the presentation?
TIme line
- Registration starts: 4/12/2018
- Registration ends: 6/15/2018
- Voting and evaluation begins: 7/10/2018
- Voting and evaluation ends: 10/15/2018
- Results will be announced by: 11/1/2018 and selected projects will be promoted through our crowdsolving challenls of resources