We’re Here To Help Bring Communication Where and When Most Needed!
Our Vision
Our Vision is to be the driving force that helps create an environment where Internet and communication at-large, is available to all, in an economic, social and environmental sustainable way.
Our Mission
One World One Internet is dedicated to the advancement of education, health, well-being and science, through the promotion and development of the internet and communication at-large, for those that still do not have access to those resources due to geographical or socioeconomic status.
Current Initiatives and Projects
Our Ecosystem
Activity Map of our Organization

Our Programs and Services
Current Initiatives and Projects
1. Global Channels
Provides a management and supervising bearer for all internal organization operations, as well as global management of all of the organizational operations.
2. Affiliated Channels
Handles the network of affiliated enablers (individuals or organizations), distributed through the emerging entities.
3. External Contributors Channels
Interfaces with open source development initiatives, equipment donors, research institutes, standard organizations and other organizations with similar or complementing goals.
4. Current Operations
Handles the monitoring performance and operation of the replicable affiliation program.
Monitors the education programs, and the health care and well-being programs
5. Life Cycle Support
Manages and supervises the network of service centers around the globe. performs analytics in order to better support and predict important trends.